August 15th: Luke 23:44-56

Luke 23:44-56

Crucified, died, and was buried.

God died.
For you.
He died.

The very creator of the universe, through whom all things came into existence became part of the creation and died as part of the creation.

He experienced death, that curse brought about by man's sinful rebellion. That darkness known as death is known by our Creator.

It's all too much for us to fully grasp.
Yet, it's vital that we do think on this and some of the great hymns help us to do so.

Below is a hymn by the great hymn writer Paul Gerhardt, called "Upon the Cross Extended." May the words of this hymn help you to meditate on the death of Jesus and what it means for you.

1 Upon the cross extended
See, world, your Lord suspended.
     Your Savior yields His breath.
The Prince of Life from heaven
Himself has freely given
     To shame and blows and bitter death.

2 Come, see these things and ponder,
Your soul will fill with wonder
     As blood streams from each pore.
Through grief beyond all knowing
From His great heart came flowing
     Sighs welling from its deepest core.

3 Who is it, Lord, that bruised You?
Who has so sore abused You
     And caused You all Your woe?
We all must make confession
Of sin and dire transgression
     While You no ways of evil know.

4 I caused Your grief and sighing
By evils multiplying
     As countless as the sands.
I caused the woes unnumbered
With which Your soul is cumbered,
     Your sorrows raised by wicked hands.

5 Your soul in griefs unbounded,
Your head with thorns surrounded,
     You died to ransom me.
The cross for me enduring,
The crown for me securing,
     You healed my wounds and set me free.

6 Your cords of love, my Savior,
Bind me to You forever,
     I am no longer mine.
To You I gladly tender
All that my life can render
     And all I have to You resign.

7 Your cross I place before me;
Its saving pow’r restore me,
     Sustain me in the test.
It will, when life is ending,
Be guiding and attending
     My way to Your eternal rest.


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