July 13th: Luke 4:16-30
Luke 4:16-30
The people couldn't believe what they were hearing. When Jesus said that the prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled that very day through Him, they became angry with Him. Just who did He think He was?
But it wasn't about who He thought He was, but rather who He knew He was: the very Son of God.
The people wanted Jesus to do a miracle to prove Himself to them, but He refused. The Word of God is enough, they wouldn't get an extra sign.
There are times when we would like a sign from God too, but God hasn't promised such signs. What He has promised is that He will be with us and speak to us through His Word.
Jesus had come to announce that the Kingdom of God was present, but the people of Nazareth rejected Him, His message, and so remained outside of His gracious kingdom. In the Lord's prayer we pray that this would not be the case for us.
The people couldn't believe what they were hearing. When Jesus said that the prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled that very day through Him, they became angry with Him. Just who did He think He was?
But it wasn't about who He thought He was, but rather who He knew He was: the very Son of God.
The people wanted Jesus to do a miracle to prove Himself to them, but He refused. The Word of God is enough, they wouldn't get an extra sign.
There are times when we would like a sign from God too, but God hasn't promised such signs. What He has promised is that He will be with us and speak to us through His Word.
Jesus had come to announce that the Kingdom of God was present, but the people of Nazareth rejected Him, His message, and so remained outside of His gracious kingdom. In the Lord's prayer we pray that this would not be the case for us.
Thy kingdom come.
What does this mean? The kingdom of God certainly comes by itself without our prayer, but we pray in this petition that it may come to us also.
How does God’s kingdom come? God’s kingdom comes when our heavenly Father gives us His Holy Spirit, so that by His grace we believe His holy Word and lead godly lives here in time and there in eternity.

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