July 5th: Luke 1:26-38
Luke 1:26-38
The Annunciation is a big event! The angel Gabriel delivers the news that the Savior, the Messiah the world have been waiting for ever since Adam and Eve sinned against God, was coming!
This would be no ordinary child and this child would be conceived in an extraordinary way; The Holy Spirit would cause Mary to conceive and thus the baby would be conceived and born without the stain of original sin.
How could it be that this could happen? How could Mary conceive though a virgin? How could God become man?
Nothing is impossible with God.
The Annunciation is a big event! The angel Gabriel delivers the news that the Savior, the Messiah the world have been waiting for ever since Adam and Eve sinned against God, was coming!
This would be no ordinary child and this child would be conceived in an extraordinary way; The Holy Spirit would cause Mary to conceive and thus the baby would be conceived and born without the stain of original sin.
How could it be that this could happen? How could Mary conceive though a virgin? How could God become man?
Nothing is impossible with God.

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