July 26th: Luke 8:40-56
Luke 8:40-56
In today's reading Jesus raises the daughter of Jairus from death to life and heals a woman who had been dealing with blood discharge for 12 years.
Jairus boldly came to Jesus asking for help. He fell at the feet of Jesus and begged him for help!
The woman however, timidly tried to "sneak a healing" from Jesus. She didn't directly go to Him, but touched His garment in such a way that she hoped not to be noticed. But Jesus did notice. And she did receive healing.
In this we see bold faith and timid faith, yet both receive help from Jesus. This shows us that the most important thing isn't the strength of our faith, but the object of our faith: Jesus.
In today's reading Jesus raises the daughter of Jairus from death to life and heals a woman who had been dealing with blood discharge for 12 years.
Jairus boldly came to Jesus asking for help. He fell at the feet of Jesus and begged him for help!
The woman however, timidly tried to "sneak a healing" from Jesus. She didn't directly go to Him, but touched His garment in such a way that she hoped not to be noticed. But Jesus did notice. And she did receive healing.
In this we see bold faith and timid faith, yet both receive help from Jesus. This shows us that the most important thing isn't the strength of our faith, but the object of our faith: Jesus.

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