June 18th: Genesis 27:1-29
Genesis 27:1-29
Impersonating your brother in order to steal his blessing from your nearly blind, old, father sounds like a pretty terrible thing to do, doesn't it? That's because it is a terrible thing to do! Jacob was seeking to take something through deception.
In the catechism we learn that getting something through deception is another form of stealing.
Impersonating your brother in order to steal his blessing from your nearly blind, old, father sounds like a pretty terrible thing to do, doesn't it? That's because it is a terrible thing to do! Jacob was seeking to take something through deception.
In the catechism we learn that getting something through deception is another form of stealing.
You shall not steal.
What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not take our neighbor’s money or possessions, or get them in any dishonest way, but help him to improve and protect his possessions and income.
Jacob had most definitely gotten the blessing from his father Isaac in a dishonest way.
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