Welcome to Anchored in the Word

Greetings in Christ!
It seems every Christian knows that reading the Bible is a good thing to do and that getting children to read the Bible is a very good thing to do, but it's very intimidating to know where to start.
How much should I read?
What am I supposed to learn from this?

With this in mind, I decided to put together a simple reading plan for the summer of 2019.  This is a plan that is easy enough for children, but substantive enough for adults.  It won't take long to do the reading each day and to go along with the reading we will have a few thoughts, questions, and/or pictures on the blog each day that correspond to the daily reading.

If you've had a hard time getting into the habit of daily Bible reading, have never done it before, or want to help your children learn to read the Bible for themselves, Anchored in the Word is for you.

Below is the reading schedule. You can sign up to receive via e-mail the daily posts that correspond to the readings.  A link will also be shared each day on the Hope Lutheran Church, Sunbury, Ohio Facebook page.

The schedule of readings begins June 3rd!

You can download a PDF of the plan here.


  1. This looks great! I'm involved in a new project, LutheranHomeschool.com, and was wondering if I could share it through there, too?


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